Caspar Froehlich

Born in 1965, he holds an MBA with the focus on finance (lic. oec. publ.) from the University of Zurich. He is a partner of Caspar Fröhlich Executive Coaching and specializes in the coaching of executives and senior managers in complex leadership situations and advises executive teams on implementing strategic initiatives. Prior to this he was a managing partner of Digma Management Consulting AG, a consulting company specializing in strategy development and performance enhancement projects for international corporations in the food, travel and transport industries.

He has more than 20 years of experience with complex change management processes in the context of strategic development, projects for increased efficiency, mergers and acquisitions and post-merger projects.

He acquired comprehensive qualifications in the area of psychology, change management and peer coaching. He is also editor of the leading German-speaking journal “Organisations-Entwicklung” (Organizational Development – and is also a known author regarding topics related to organizational change and change management.

He is member of several coaching pools of international companies (such as Daimler AG). He is member of the Association of Management Consultants ASCO Switzerland, the International Coach Federation ICF and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council EMCC.